A secret case and a map case
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The southern foreground of Zamość was always partly or completely covered with water of the Łabuńka River. Plans dating
“Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”. The conception of developing according to Tadeusz Kościuszko University of Technology.
from 1779 – 1782, 1809, 1815, 1818, 1837 and, finally, J. P. Lelewel’s plan show an open, marshy area, which made a regular charge very difficult. The area of water is different on every plan but the area of marshy, riparian area is similar and matches that of the area of the town. The edges are most clearly marked on a plan dating from 1779-1782. Open water bodies, fed with water flows, were located on eastern and western side as well as on the foreground of Zamczysko. Every time, however, the southern foreground of the fortress was visible. As compared to all historical maps, the contemporary condition of the site contradicts the historical idea of huge common land. The contemporary outline of the reservoir, enclosed with straight embankments, totally alien to natural and cultural landscape, does not remind the historical form. In the future a large area of water in the southern foreground of the fortress will be restored. South of the Pond, embankments of Zamczysko have been preserved. It was a suburban residence of Tomasz Zamoyski, built in 1628-33 according to Jan Jaroszewicz’s design. In 1633 a well-known architect Andrea dell’Aqua expressed his criticism of the palace and introduced several corrections to its design; he also designed and built the courtyard surrounded with a gallery and was the author of the tenaille and demi-bastioned fortifications surrounding the palace. The central part of the complex was a rectangular one-storey palace with two corner annexes in front. The palace was surrounded with tenaille and demi-bastioned fortifications* with a gate in the southern curtain wall. The area of the gate was probably defended with an additional ravelin* with its own water moat and a draw bridge; it could be defended with artillery fire from both demi-bastions. The palace was burnt in 1649 by Khmelnytsky’s troops but its ruins are visible on plans dating from the 18th and the beginnings of the 19th centuries. The ruins might have been further destroyed during the Napoleonic wars with whatever remains were left taken to pieces and used as construction material elsewhere..

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.

  • “Wielka Zalewa w przyszłości” (Big Flood in the future) – the idea for retrieving of the landscape of the foreground of the Fortress of Zamość”.