The fortress tomorrow
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Restricting the number of planted trees and bushes and outlining the defensive work without restoring defensive walls
The essence of the selection in the field of the location of Bastion I
provides a possibility for complete reconstruction of Bastion I in the future. First, however, the railway track will have to be removed from the site. Then Bastion I which is now only a “ghost” or a “phantom” of a bastion, will become fully visible to visitors.

  • The conception of the selection of Bastion I in the field,  takes into account the maintaining of the railway line..  It was prepared by Tadeusz Kościuszko University of Technology in 2008.  In the realization, because of comments of PKP (Polish state railways), the high of the arches  of the footbridges was increased

    It was prepared by Tadeusz Kościuszko University of Technology in 2008. In the realization, because of comments of PKP (Polish state railways), the high of the arches of the footbridges was increased

  • The essence of the selection in the field of the location of Bastion I. It is not its reconstruction because the mileage of  the railways does not allow that but the action called recomposition.  Tagged in the landscape, it has become  the park viewpoint, called “belweder”  (belvedere)

    It is not its reconstruction because the mileage of the railways does not allow that but the action called recomposition. Tagged in the landscape, it has become the park viewpoint, called “belweder” (belvedere)