Visitors come to Zamość mainly to have a look at the Old Town – the Pearl of the Renaissance, visit the local museums

and go to concerts and artistic events staged in the unique scenery of a historical town. We believe that the reconstructed “Green Fortress” will also attract enthusiasts of military history, fortifications and military items. However, there is one more thing which makes Zamość Fortress – Park attractive to people and will continue to do so in the future, namely “birdwatching”. The large retrenchment overgrown with old trees and dominating the Town Park constitutes an excellent site for watching birds. People of all ages all over the world enjoy birdwatching. They often watch birds using binoculars or even telescopes. The activity is extremely popular in Great Britain (one million members with about 4 million active birdwatchers) and in the United States and Holland (2 million watchers). In Poland there are over ten thousand birdwatchers. Poland and its south-western part in particular is an attractive target. Old defensive facilities and areas of fortress greenery are a habitat of many different species of birds. They have taken over fortification facilities, creating a unique and valuable historical and park landscape.