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After defending the fortress in 1813 was spotted  the need to deepen the defense of the west and south – so there are three redoubts far extended  by the bastions of 2, 3 and 4
Construction of external fortification facilities, such as a counterguard*, ravelins*, etc. meant the so-called “improvement of defence”, i.e. a change of the defensive line of the walls and bastions into a broad zone, in which the enemy’s attack lost its impetus. Improvement of defence was also a sign of technological advances in fortifications. Polish and French engineers improved the defensive potential very effectively by carrying out an expansion of the fortress to be terminated by a prolonged siege in 1813. In spite of an ambitious plan prepared by Jan Mallet-Malletski, Russians adapted only part of the external facilities from the time of the Duchy of Warsaw by introducing only one modern and permanent external facility, i.e. a battery tower called “Rotunda Zamojska”. The adapted lunette* in front of which you are standing now, was not far enough, the northern front of Zamość Fortress was not effectively defended in the middle of the 19th century and its defence in the 1860s when a new type of cannons was introduced became totally obsolete.

  • In the 18th century was counted with the possibility of extension of Zamość defense fortification lines spaced by nearly 1,000 meters east of the city..

  • After defending the fortress in 1813 was spotted  the need to deepen the defense of the west and south – so there are three redoubts far extended  by the bastions of 2, 3 and 4.

  • In 1825, in the perspective modernization plan of the fortress, in fact narrowed the defense , leaving only the far extended tower batteries in the type of so-called Tower of Montalembert – Ro.

  • Febrile attempts to repair negligence in providing the depth of defense, which was connected with potential conflict - the war with Austria in 1854.. Adaptation of the abandoned, Polish redoubts, the so-called Janowicke redoubts   , the construction of the redoubt No. 1, upgrading the lunette 6 and 7

    Adaptation of the abandoned, Polish redoubts, the so-called Janowicke redoubts , the construction of the redoubt No. 1, upgrading the lunette 6 and 7