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How the lunette VI-VII  was rebuilt -   presentation according to the project of Cracow University of Technology  in 2009  
Where you are now, on the levelled fortifications of the northern front of the fortress, in the 1880s Russians built a complex of barracks and made a field for exercising a Cossack regiment. After regaining independence, Polish people started to tidy up the area to make a park here but for a long time the local meadows were used as a market place to be finally turned into a park at the end of the 1970s.
The park had nothing to do with the former fortifications and, with time, excessive growth of greenery obscured the view of the town completely. In 2006-2008 Cracow University of Technology prepared a new arrangement of the area so as to preserve its park character, show the blurred layout of fortifications dating from the middle of the 19th century and give visitors a better insight into the renovated fortifications and the town itself.
Koszary Kozackie (the preserved building for soldiers, cavalry troops – sotnya and the officers’ building) have also been preserved. Go to “Koszary Kozackie” now. Today it is a virtual gate to the fortress and, broadly speaking, to the world of historical fortifications in Zamość, in Poland and in the world. You are going to find out many interesting and surprising things and eat something before your tour.

  • How the lunette VI-VII  was rebuilt -   presentation according to the project of Cracow University of Technology  in 2009 .

  • How the lunette VI-VII  was rebuilt -   presentation according to the project of Cracow University of Technology  in 2009 .

  • How the lunette VI-VII  was rebuilt -   presentation according to the project of Cracow University of Technology  in 2009 .