The fortress tomorrow
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It is for the future of Zamość fortress that ravelin V-VI commonly called “Luneta Teatralna” has been redesigned. The common
Amphitheatre in Lunette V-VI
name is a tribute to Professor Maciej Pawlicki, who first hit upon the idea of building an amphitheatre at the site, a facility to become an integral part of the landscape and cultural life of Zamość. The amphitheatre faces the town now so that more viewers than before can watch the performances against the background of the magnificent and unforgettable panorama of the Renaissance town. A portable stage will be installed on an earthen platform, marking the location of an internal redoubt. Nowhere in Poland is there an amphitheatre in which a silhouette of a unique Renaissance town is both the scenery and an actor.

  • Amphitheatre in Lunette V-VI.

  • Amphitheatre in Lunette V-VI.

  • Amphitheatre in Lunette V-VI.

  • Amphitheatre in Lunette V-VI.