In the 17th century the northern and eastern part of Zamość bastioned fortifications were defended with a
berm* and,
on the outside of the moat, with
glacis* with places of arms*. In the 18th century in the eastern foreground an earthen embankment with redans* was made to provide additional defence on the side of the biggest threat; in the south, on an island of Great Pond a
reduit* was also built. After the fortress was captured in 1809, French engineers with Colonel J. Mallet started to build a complex of external fortifications: ravelins*, counterguards*, redans* and lunettes*. The work was continued by the same fortification engineer (as General Jan Mallet-Malletski in the Congress Kingdom of Poland) and his successors till the 1850s. North-eastern
lunette* was built in 1825-31 and remodelled in 1855 by introducing a
redoubt* with an artillery position, probably for a large mortars. When the fortress was demolished, the lunette with the redoubt was levelled and a barracks building was erected nearby.