Arte et Marte
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In the 17th century the northern and eastern part of Zamość bastioned fortifications were defended with a berm* and,
Drawbridge ushering to the lunette in front of the New Lublin Gate - painted in water-color by Jan Paweł Lelewel.
on the outside of the moat, with glacis* with places of arms*. In the 18th century in the eastern foreground an earthen embankment with redans* was made to provide additional defence on the side of the biggest threat; in the south, on an island of Great Pond a reduit* was also built. After the fortress was captured in 1809, French engineers with Colonel J. Mallet started to build a complex of external fortifications: ravelins*, counterguards*, redans* and lunettes*. The work was continued by the same fortification engineer (as General Jan Mallet-Malletski in the Congress Kingdom of Poland) and his successors till the 1850s. North-eastern lunette* was built in 1825-31 and remodelled in 1855 by introducing a redoubt* with an artillery position, probably for a large mortars. When the fortress was demolished, the lunette with the redoubt was levelled and a barracks building was erected nearby.

  • Three large lunettes of the northern front of the fortress of Zamość. Inherited after the period of  the Duchy of Warsaw, developed through the entire one half of the 19th century, but never brought into full and provided by the plan form.

    Inherited after the period of the Duchy of Warsaw, developed through the entire one half of the 19th century, but never brought into full and provided by the plan form.

  • The biggest of lunettes, between bastions VI and VII – here on the plan from 1847. Showing the lunette with two, coaxial, brick redoubts. As a matter of fact only one of them was realized and it was only in an earth form.

    Showing the lunette with two, coaxial, brick redoubts. As a matter of fact only one of them was realized and it was only in an earth form.

  • Drawing of the New Lublin Gate from 1845.

  • View of Zamość on the axis of Lublin tract – this is how the fortress would look like after realizing the whole project by J. Mallet-Malletski; painted in water-color by Jan Paweł Lelewel. .

  • Drawbridge ushering to the lunette in front of the New Lublin Gate - painted in water-color by Jan Paweł Lelewel..

  • Exterior elevation of the New Lublin Gate - painted in water-color by Jan Paweł Lelewel..

  • Indoor elevation of the New Lublin Gate - painted in water-color by Jan Paweł Lelewel..