Arte et Marte
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In its history Zamość Fortress was besieged five times: in 1648 by Bohdan Khmelnytsky, in 1656 by Swedish troops led by King Carl Gustav, in 1809 by the troops of the Duchy of Warsaw, in 1813 by Russian troops and, finally, in 1831 by Polish troops during the November Uprising. The fortress was captured in battle only once in 1809. Zamość Fortress was destroyed on purpose in 1866-68 by Russians. It no longer met the demands of modern artillery and it made no sense to keep an old-fashioned fortress because it might be easily captured by the enemy (for Russians the enemy then was the Austro-Hungarian Empire and successive Polish uprisings) and very hard to retake. Modernization was out of the question due to different strategic plans of Russian general staff and because of the suburbs which would have to be demolished if the fortress were to be modernized.
An engraving by Langer

  • Plan of Zamość with suburbs of 1774.. It shows interesting , external fortifications which were placed far east from  the city. They may have even come from the times of Northern War, from the early eighteenth century. They were an expression of a  modern idea of fortifications.

    It shows interesting , external fortifications which were placed far east from the city. They may have even come from the times of Northern War, from the early eighteenth century. They were an expression of a modern idea of fortifications.

  • Reliable and precise plan and a view of  typical profile fortifications of Zamość of 1702.. This plan was prepared for King of Sweden Charles XII

    This plan was prepared for King of Sweden Charles XII

  • An engraving by Langer, showing the defense of the fortress Zamość by the Polish-French crew before the Russian army in 1913.