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Zamość Fortress, one of the largest fortresses in the First Republic of Poland and then in the Duchy of Warsaw and in the Congress Kingdom of Poland was built in 1579-1618 to defend a town founded by Hetman Jan Zamoyski in 1580. Started in 1586 and completed in 1618, the construction of bastioned fortifications was based on Bernardo Morando’s design. The fortifications were modernized several times by the following outstanding military engineers:
A view of Zamość by Braun and Hogenberg
  • Andrea dell’Aqua in 1618-23
  • Jan Michał Link in 1687-93
At the crossroads of routes, on the axis of lunettes VI and VII in the bay. A key point of the sight-seeing tour. Multimedia information about the fortress, the site and sight-seeing options. Information about the nearest attractions and different trail offers; referral to OW1 facility – tourist services.
Program containing drawings, animations and commentary interesting for tourists, sending them on different trails, announcement and incentive to go to the main facility of tourist services – OW1 with an exhibition.
Colonel Jean-Baptiste Mallet (later during his service in the Congress Kingdom of Poland known as General Jan Mallet-Malletski) in 1809-13 and 1817-26.
Modernization works lasted till 1856. In 1868 on the order of Tsar Alexander II the fortress was closed down and most of its fortifications were demolished. Their preserved remains have been maintained (with some elements being supplemented) since the 1930s till the present day.

  • A view of Zamość by Braun and Hogenberg – the oldest , half-fantastical , known view of the city and the fortress.

  • A reliable and precise plan and view of Zamość, along with a typical profile of the fortifications of 1702..

  • The expansion plan of the  Zamość Fortress of 1818. Taking into account the existing, modern elements of fortifications, which were  built during the period of the Duchy of Warsaw and used during the defense in 1813

    Taking into account the existing, modern elements of fortifications, which were built during the period of the Duchy of Warsaw and used during the defense in 1813

  • Ideal , never  fully realized project of the expansion of the fortress , made by Jan Chrzciciel Malle-Malletski , of 1825.

  • Plan of the fortress of 1847 , made by Lieutenant Berezowski . It shows the target state of the fortress , which was never realized , provided by the plan by J. Malle-Malletski.

  • Plan of blowing ups which were necessary to deprive the Zamość  fortress of defense . Damage was done in the years 1866-1868.