The fortress tomorrow
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What you see is not the final form but something that is going to be developed. First of all, the moat between the reconstructed
The target shape of the park which stands on the north front of the fortress called Zamojskie Pola Marsowe (Champ de Mars) according to the project of Cracow University of Technology  in 2009
Bastion VII and Bastion VI, which now is just marked in its earthen form, is going to be rebuilt. The task is very difficult and expensive. In a few years we want to reconstruct the whole section of the moat; in its final form the moat had two levels and was defended from a wall with loop holes, the so-called carnot wall*. We also want to reconstruct small brick thick-walled buildings, the so-called caponiers*, situated in the moat* and used for firing along its side. They were built later and adjusted the fortress to new battlefields after Napoleonic wars. Then the moat of the northern section of Zamość Fortress will look really threatening. There is still a lot of work to do.